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Certified by Uanataca, Barcelona, Spain.
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Certified Skills
The 5S
The 7 Wastes
The 6 Wastes of Administration
DPMO (Defects per million opportunities)
Sigma Levels
Demming circle
DMAIC Methodology (Introduction)
The CTQ's
The Heart of Six Sigma
Sigma Levels
ISACA Maturity Model
Project Charter
Gemba Walks
Process map
Process Flow
Transportation/Spaghetti Diagram
Cycle Time
Rolled Throughput Yield
Measurement System Analysis (MSA: Measurement System Analysis)
Kappa Metric
Hypothesis Testing
Graphic Techniques
Pareto Charts
Scatter Plots
Decision matrix
Visual Control (Visual Administration)
Cross Training Diagram
Standard Operating Procedures (SOP)
Poka Yoke
Control Charts
5S implementation
Kaizen Events
Financial Evaluation of Projects
COPQ - Cost of Poor Quality
VOC Capture
Affinity Diagrams
CTQ Tree
Classification of CPR Ideas
Classification of 6M Ideas
Classification of 6P Ideas
Prioritization Matrix
Descriptive statistics
Sample size
Rational Subgroups
Normality Test
Lead Time
Return Rate (RR)
On Time Deliveries (OTD)
A3 Report
Hypothesis Testing
Errors in Hypothesis Testing
Statistical Power
1 sample t tests
2 sample t tests
Tests 5 couplet
1 sample variance tests
Variance tests 2 samples
Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)
Introduction to Design of Experiments (DOE)
Six Thinking Hats
Continuous Flow (Piece by Piece)
Work Line Balancing
Standard Work
Work in Process (WIP)
Pull System
FMEA application
Force Field Analysis
Decision matrix
Control Plan
Cross Training
Key Management Indicators (KPI’s)
Gaussian Control Charts
Binomial Control Charts
Poisson Control Charts
Statistical Validation of Improvement
Financial Validation of the Improvement
Theory of Constraints (TOC)
BPMN - BPM Notation
5 Porter Forces
Portfolio Analysis
Hoshin Kanri
Balanced Scorecards
Quality Function Deployment (QFD: Quality Function Deployment)
House of Quality (QFD)
Cost benefit analysis
Prioritization Matrix
Pareto Priority Index (PPI)
Kano Analysis
Stakeholder Analysis
Stakeholder Analysis Plan
Failure Risk Analysis Matrix
Responsibility Assignment Matrix (RACI)
Financial Evaluation of Projects
Net Present Value (NPV) / Net Present Value (NPV)
Return on Investment (ROI)
Investment Recovery Period (Payback)
Internal Rate of Return (IRR)
Linearity of the Measurement System
Measurement System Calibration
Resolution/Discrimination of the Measurement System
Measurement System Tolerance
Likert scale
Coefficient of variation
Stem and Leaf Diagram
Central Limit Theorem
Non-Parametric Tests
Mann-Whitney tests
Mood's Median Tests
Kruskal-Wallis tests
Sign Test
Levene's Test
Exponential Distribution (Negative)
Los-Normal Distribution
Weibull Distribution
Cauchy Distribution
Logistics Distribution
LaPlace Distribution
Uniform Distribution
Beta Distribution
Gamma Distribution
Triangular Distribution
Poisson distribution
Binomial Distribution
Bernoulli Distribution
Discrete Uniform Distribution
Geometric Distribution
Negative Binomial Distribution
Value Stream Map
Main Effects and Interaction
Contour Planes
Surface Graphs
Cube Graphs
Box-Cox transformation
Cycle Time (C/T)
Delivery Time (Lead Time)
Process Cycle Efficiency (PCE)
Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE)
Demand Rate (Takt Time)
Work in Process (WIP-Work in Process)
TIP - Things in Process
Workstation Turnover Time (WTT)
Idle Time
Wait Time
Time After (Time Traps)
Quantity of Kanban Cards
Discrete Capacity Analysis
Capacity Indices: Cp, Cpk, Pp, Ppk
Simple Linear Regression
Multiple Linear Regression
Cross Factors
Nested Factors
Fixed Factors
Random Factors
Residual Analysis
Variance Inflation Factor
Chi squared
Binary Logistic Regression
Advanced Experiment Design
Factorial Designs
Plackett-Burman Designs
Experiment Design Resolution
Response Surface Design
Robust Design
IO Map (TOC)
Brainwriting (Written Ideas)
SMED (Reduction of Assembly Time)
Cellular Manufacturing
Autonomation (Jidoka)
Production Leveling (Heijunka)
Heijunka box
TPM - Total Productive Maintenance
Autonomous maintenance
Preventive Maintenance
MTBF: Mean Time Between Failures
MTTF: Time to Fail
MTTR: Mean Time to Repair
Planned Maintenance Percentage (PMP)
TPM House
One Point Lesson (OPL)
Team Losses
Fault Tree Analysis (FTA)
Security analysis
Failure Probability
Nominal Group Techniques
Effort/Impact Matrix
Pugh Matrix
Comparison in Pairs (Pairwise Ranking)
Statistical process control
Special Causes of Variation
Test Areas
EWMA Charts (Time Weighted Control Charts)
Design Thinking vs. DFSS
Finite element analysis
Monte Carlo
Taguchi Designs
Tolerance Analysis
Taguchi's Loss Function
Lean Philosophy
Value creation
Value Stream
Process Cycle Efficiency (introduction)
Continuous Flow (introduction)
Drag System (introduction)
Continuous Improvement (Kaizen)
Additional TPS Principles
The TPS House (introduction)
The 7 Wastes
Introduction to 5S
Operational Definition
Project Charter
Process Identification
Observation Process
Process map
Spaghetti Diagram or Transportation Map
Exit Rate
Exit Rate
Cycle time
Value Added Metrics (VA NVA)
RTY Metric
Process Flow
Pareto Charts
Cause Effect Diagrams
Scatter Plots
Control Charts
Standardized work
Visual control
Visual Dashboards
Training Diagram
Audit Plan
SOP Standardized Procedures
Poka Yoke
Visual control
Process Documentation
Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s)
5S: Implementation and Supervision
Kaizen (Events)
Other Systems: Kanban Projects
Introduction to ISO 9000/9001
Definition of Processes
Opportunities identification
Cost of Poor Quality (COPQ)
Gemba Walks
The Hidden Operation
Project Definition
Business case
Good and Bad Projects
Voice of the Customer and its Capture
Idea Management
The 5 Whys
Classification of Ideas
The 6M
The 6Ps of Administration
Customer Satisfaction: Customer Satisfaction
Customer Satisfaction: Net Promotion Score (NPS)
Customer Satisfaction: Customer Effort Score (CES)
Customer Satisfaction: First Contact Resolution (FCR)
Delivery Time - Lead Time
Return Rate (RR)
On Time Deliveries (OTD)
Six Thinking Hats
Continuous flow
Balancing Work Lines
Training and Lessons Learned
Integration of Improvements
Theory of Constraints (TOC)
GMP: Good Manufacturing Practices
BPM: Business Process Management
Hoshin Kanri
Balanced Scorecard
Cost of Poor Quality: Paradigm and Management
QFD: House of Quality
Value Stream Map (VSM)
Current VSM (CSVSM)
Future VSM (FSVSM)
Takt Time (Demand Rate)
Process Cycle Efficiency (PCE)
Lean Accounting
Takt Time
Other Metrics
Cellular Manufacturing
Autonomation (Jidoka)
Leveling (Heijunka)
Pull Systems - Kanban
Lean Implementation
Introduction to TPM
Equipment Losses
OEE - Overall Equipment Efficiency
Introduction to TPM Pillars - Casa TPM
Introduction to Six Sigma
Six Sigma History
Who uses Lean Six Sigma
Six Sigma Philosophy
Controlled Quality
Six Sigma Examples and Success Stories
Chapter 1: Lean Fundamentals
Topic 1: Presentation & introduction
Topic 2: Origins of TPM
Topic 3: Advantages of TPM
Topic 4 - TPM General Objectives
Chapter 2: Lean Fundamentals
Topic 5 - Introduction to lean manufacturing
Topic 6 - lean manufacturing fundamentals
Topic 7 - the 7 wastes in lean
Topic 8 - the 6 wastes of administration
Topic 9 - the 5s in lean manufacturing
Topic 10 - other lean principles
Topic 11 - idea management
Topic 12 - SMED - Reduction of Configuration Time
Topic 13 - Autonomation - JIDOKA
Topic 14 - Failure Risk Analysis
Chapter 3: Types of Maintenance
Topic 15 - #1 Proactive - Preventive Maintenance
Topic 16 - #2 Proactive Maintenance - Predictive
Topic 17 - #3 Proactive Maintenance - Conditions Based (CBM)
Topic 18 - #4 Proactive Maintenance - Scheduled
Topic 19 - #5 Proactive Maintenance - Planned
Topic 20 - #6 Proactive Maintenance - Routine
Topic 21 - #7 Reactive Maintenance - Emergency
Topic 22 - #8 Reactive - Corrective Maintenance
Topic 23 - Other Maintenance
Chapter 4: Equipment Losses
Topic 24 - The 3 Objectives of T.P.M.
Topic 25 - The 6 Team Losses
Chapter 5: Metrics in TPM
Topic 26 - Downtime
Topic 27 - Maintenance Portfolio (Backlog)
Topic 28 - Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF)
Topic 29 - Reliability
Topic 30 - Failure Detection Time (MDT)
Topic 31 - Mean Time to Repair (MTTR or MTR)
Topic 32 - Mean Time to Failure (MTTF)
Topic 33 - Planned Maintenance Percentage (PMP)
Topic 34 - OEE - Global Equipment Effectiveness
Chapter 6: TPM Pillars
Topic 35 - the 5s in lean manufacturing
Topic 36 - Autonomous Maintenance
Topic 37 - Planned Maintenance
Topic 38 - Quality Integration
Topic 39 - Focused Improvements
Topic 40 - Early Administration
Topic 41 - Education and Training
Topic 42 - Health, Safety and Environment
Topic 43 - TPM in the Office
Chapter 7: T.P.M Implementation
Equivalent Study Hours(1)

(1) Total hours estimated as learning volume based on the defined learning outcomes and their associated workload
(2) US Credits & ECTS (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System) as reference values only