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¡Thank you for your purchase!

In the next few minutes, our system will be processing your subscription. When it is complete, you will receive a confirmation email of the subscribed plan, and another email with access instructions.​


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Get 1 free additional month in your subscribed plan by completing the following survey.

*Valid one survey per purchase, and completed on the same day.

Share your purchase experience!
2. How did you hear about Variexa for the first time?
4. It was easy to inform me, clarify doubts and the purchase process!
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Thanks for share! Your plan will be updated in the next 24-72 hours.

Anchor Survey

Te invitamos a ver el siguiente video tour, con los pasos que debes seguir para acceder a la plataforma, renovar tu contraseña, ingresar al Centro de Evaluación para consultar o tomar los tests y conocer en general el proceso de certificación. 


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